Do you provide transport?
Yes, we offer a door to door service.
May I drive myself?
Yes, we can provide you with a map and directions.
Do you arrange accommodation?
We can organize a variety of accommodation according to your needs and budget. We can offer many options – from back packers, guesthouses and B&Bs to exclusive lodges, and we have selected different alternatives that present the best quality and price ratio.
What time do we get picked up?
Time varies based on the location and the launch time of the trip, you will be advised of your pick up time the day before the trip.
Can you drop me off at the airport after the tour?
Yes we can, but we accept no responsibility for missed flights.
Should one book in advance and if so how far in advance?
Yes, seats are limited. We suggest you book 2 or 3 days in advance.
Do I need to go into the cage to see sharks?
No. This is one of the great advantages with Great White Sharks in that they are very active at the surface, and can be observed from the boat without having to go into the shark cage.
Is it safe?
Yes. The South African shark cage diving industry is regulated by a Code of Conduct and regulations from Marine and Coastal Management (DEAT – Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism). Apart from incidents due to the boat or cage itself, and seasickness and dehydration, no shark-related injuries or accidents to guests have been recorded in over ten years.
How long can I stay in the cage?
This will mostly depend on the number of people on the boat and especially the number of people who wish to go into the cage. You should get 10 to 30 minutes in the cage.

Is diving gear provided?
Yes we have several full sets of equipment onboard in various sizes.
Do we dive with Scuba gear?
No, unless by prior arrangement. You use the “breathhold ‘method in the cage. We recommend that you do not use scuba equipment in the cage due to the potential negative effect that the bubbles and noise create, keeping the naturally cautious Sharks at a distance.
Do we require a license or diving experience?
No previous license or diving experience is required.
How deep is the cage in the water?
The cage remains afloat and about 30 centimetres of the cage floats above the water at all times. The cage is also attached to the boat which prevents it from sinking or drifting away from the boat. The bottom of the cage is lying about two metres below the surface.
Is the cage safe?
Yes. 100 % safe. The Shark cage is constructed from galvanized steel, equipped with many independent flotation devices to keep it aloft, attached to the boat with solid ropes and closed by a solid lid.
Can children go on the tour?
All children older than 5 are allowed on the boat provided that they have parental consent and are supervised.
Can children go into the cage?
Children of 10 years and older may enter the cage, only if the parent/s accompany them. However, younger children will be accommodated on special requests and if they have advanced swimming proficiency for their age, but again, only if the parents accompany them for the dive. Legal guardians will be asked to sign additional liability waivers for those under 18 years old.
Can I dive if I am pregnant?
We do not recommend that a woman who is at any stage of pregnancy does a shark cage dive or goes into the sea, in general.
Can you guarantee white sharks?
No. We cannot guarantee that you will see White Sharks from the surface or from the cage. Wildlife can never be guaranteed, nature is unpredictable. But our success rate is higher than 90% throughout the year.
Will I get a refund if I do not see any sharks?
No refunds will be given.
Do I get a discount for only doing surface viewing?
No. Our guests pay for the space on the boat, whether they remain on the boat or decide to go into the shark cage. We only have one price.
How long will we stay on the ocean?
The time we spend on the ocean depends mostly on the Sharks. Ssometimes we get Sharks very quickly while the very next day, we might be waiting several hours for the first Shark to appear. Moreover, Sharks present different personalities, and although curious by nature, they are generally very cautious, and while some Sharks will sometimes stay around the boat for hours, most Sharks only remain around the boat for 5 to 15 minutes. All these factors will decide how long we spend at sea. We generally return to shore between 3 and 5 hours after leaving the harbour.
Do you feed the sharks and what is chumming?
No, we use a method called chumming. In order to be able to observe and cage dive with Great White Sharks, we need to attract these Sharks to the boat and the cage. Chumming is the process in which we create a chum slick also known as odour corridor that will guide the Sharks to the boat. Chum usually consists of minced tuna meat, mashed sardines, and/or fish oil, which are mixed with seawater in a drum on board . This potent fish smelling mixture is then ladled back into the ocean, and will slowly drift away from the boat, creating the chum slick.
Should I take motion sickness medication?
Only if you are prone to motion sickness.
What is the Operator’s Conservation involvement?
All the operators are dedicated to conservation and the protection of the environment and wildlife.
Marine insurance and public liability cover?
The operators carry the necessary marine insurance and public liability.
Are exclusive trips available?
Yes, private charters are arranged by prior arrangement only.
What do I need to bring with on the trip?
Sunblock, a hat, swimsuit, towel, jacket, camera and a change of clothing.


False Bay

Where does the tour take place?
In False Bay 40 Minutes from central Cape Town.
Is breakfast and lunch included?
No, tea and biscuits are provided on arrival and drinks and snacks are offered on the boat.
What is the best time of year to see sharks?
Between February and October.
Do you have a videographer aboard the boat.
Will I see the shark breach and a natural predation?
On the morning trip you will have the opportunity of seeing the shark breach and seeing a natural predation, but neither is guaranteed.



When is the best time to see white sharks?
May to October is the best time, but you can see them all year round.
Where does the tour take place?
Boats depart from Kleinbaai Harbour,Gansbaai.
How far is Gansbaai away from Cape Town?
A 2 hour drive from central Cape Town
Do you have a videographer on every trip?
Yes, video footage is viewed during lunch and the DVD is an optional purchase.
How cold is the water?
The water around Dyer Island is generally warmer during our winters (generally 15-20 degrees Celsius or 59-68 degrees Fahrenheit) than during our summers (generally 10-15 degrees Celsius or 50-59 degrees Fahrenheit).
Can I get off the boat if I am severely sea sick.
Yes, a water taxi can be arranged in extreme cases at an extra cost.
Do you serve food and beverages aboard the boat?
Yes. We offer a light lunch pack and snacks, as well as cold drinks and water that are conveniently on display throughout the trip. All the refreshments are included in our price. We can also organize specific food depending on your dietary requirements or preferences, but this need to be organized and booked in advance and may carry additional costs.